2. I know this is old news, but I can't believe that The Stig on Top Gear is Michael Schumacher?! I don't know much bout cars really, but I've always enjoyed watching the show... and I know The Stig mmg drive best gler. Hmm... interestingly, a lot of comments on YouTube are saying it's just a publicity stunt for TV ratings...
4. I just had to take this picture of my Meow (a.k.a Selamba a.k.a Chordel) sleeping... siap tangan atas kepala plak tu~! hehe:

3. I finally get to tag along for Karnival Keluarga Petronas 2009, after a few years missing it. The food was great (ate too much keropok lekor & durian), the performance pun mmg nice (the best wld be performance by Faizal Tahir & Ramli Sarip la kn illy~).... but the best would be the feeling of sitting on tikar atas rumput with the whole family. Dah lama x rasa camtu =) teringat balik the times we would always go for picnic at Safa Park or Creek Park Dubai.
4. I just had to take this picture of my Meow (a.k.a Selamba a.k.a Chordel) sleeping... siap tangan atas kepala plak tu~! hehe:
5. I've just realized that I made personal record of reading more books and novels this year (up til June so far la... considering only light reading materials, tak termasuk bk2 engineering or study), compared to any other previous years!: Twilight, Eclipse, New Moon, Breaking Dawn, Shopaholic & Sister, Nobody's Baby but Mine, Chocolate Run, Princess Diaries Seventh Heaven, The 100, why men lie & women cry, Quran Saintifik, Kite Runner. Yes...the list mmg lebih bynk chic lit pun... tension final sem nyer pasal kot~
6. Congratulation to our dear friend Amira Rizwana! Moga bahagia ke anak cucu cicit =) :
6. Congratulation to our dear friend Amira Rizwana! Moga bahagia ke anak cucu cicit =) :
Kite runner 2 best kn!!! u hv 2 watch da muvie.mcm best jek n frm da review its mmg totaly folow da novel.not merayau2 msk bab lain unlike other novel-muvies~ btw, akak pn p karnival pet.but we al p tgk upin ipin n pusing2 n dgr ramly sarip wat rehearsl ptg 2 ;) we didnt go yg mlm 2~
x tgk muvi dia lg kak faeeza... hmm, x tau mana nk cari skarang, dc++ dah xde. huhu. ptg tu ada upin ipin ke?! ala... miss.
u meow is soooooo cute..
x.upin ipin on wed nite dear ;)
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